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Check Out My Other Content!

I write on a number of different subjects.  For whatever the reason, I find that my food content actually draws attention of a different, family-friendlier quality than the rest of it, but I've always been...  politely applauded for the talent evident in my other writing, though I can't get anyone to read my fiction.  So a man's gotta eat, right?​


I'm being that thing that's not ironic that people call 'being ironic.'  Right!  'Asinine,' that's the one!  But seriously, I love to write and I love good food, and if that silly, vainglorious choice I made when I first decided to create a Yelp account—not that I was/was not going to get revenge on some d-bag restauranteur, but that, if I ever wanted someone to take my bad reviews seriously, I'd better start, ahead of time, by writing the good reviews when the thought occurs to me—if that's going to be the thing that shines a light on an effective means for me to build a personal writing brand, well, there are far more self-indulgent origin stories floating around the verified social media landscape.


You'll note I do not do negative reviews on

I control the content, so I choose whom to review and I think the real medicine is in the enthusiasm I display for the minutiae of a craft in which I'm very much an amateur/observer.


So, feed me!  I mean, dig in, check out my news outlet at, where I do an optimist's take on a dangerous world, with sports and opinion pages full of hot takes and—usually empty—comments sections.  Or try my investment journal, where I bring my wry wit and broad liberal arts education to bear on the most important question of the day, everyday: makin' money y'all...!

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